Harissa Chicken Tray Bake


Calories Protein Fat Carb
510 21g 21g 21g


Heat oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Score deep lines into the chicken legs or thighs and rub with the harissa paste. Season well and place in a roasting tin with enough room for all the other ingredients. Scatter over the garlic cloves, squeeze the lemon wedges for juice before adding to the tray, mix in the tomatoes, new potatoes and olives. Place in the oven for 45 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. Serve with a green salad.


  • Serves 4

  • 4 chicken legs or 8 chicken thighs

  • 2 tbsp harissa paste *

  • 1 garlic bulb, broken into cloves

  • 1 lemon, cut into wedges

  • 400g cherry tomatoes

  • 350g new potatoes

  • 50g kalamata olives

  • Green salad to serve

* You can use ready made harissa paste or you can follow our simple recipe to make your own ADD LINK.

These tables let you know if this recipe is suitable for your body-type and goal (Fat loss / Sculpt / Muscle gain). They show whether it’s a recipe you can enjoy before or after 5pm as part of your plan and if you need to adapt it slightly by adding or removing carbohydrate.


Meals before 5pm Meals after 5pm
Ectomorph Add carb Yes
Ecto-Mesomorph Add carb Yes
Mesomorph Yes Yes
Meso-Endomorph Yes Yes
Endomorph Yes Yes


Meals before 5pm Meals after 5pm
Ectomorph Add carb Add carb
Ecto-Mesomorph Add carb Add carb
Mesomorph Add carb Add carb
Meso-Endomorph Add carb Yes
Endomorph Add carb Yes