body types

Back in the 1940s a man called William Sheldon devoted his life to observing the variety of human bodies. He proposed that there are fundamentally three main different body types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph.

At YBP we take into consideration your individual body type in order to create a bespoke programme for you that will maximise your hard work. You will be given exercises and a nutrition plan according to the body type which best describes you. At YBP we’ve added two extra body types, as we believe that many people fit somewhere in the middle. Take a look below and see which body type best describes you.

ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph, body types, bodybuilding, workout, workout, ectomorphy


An Ectomorph has a slim appearance, often described as long and lean. They can look wiry or willowy. Female Ectomorphs tend to lack feminine curves, often flat chested with a more straight-up-and-down physique. They have small joints and light bone structures, often tall with long limbs and narrow waist and hips. Catwalk models are good examples of this body type.

Ectomorphs have fast metabolisms which can be a blessing and a curse; a high metabolism results in the body storing minimal fat but it can also mean they struggle to build muscle. So a typical Ectomorph tends to look skinny and possibly weak in appearance due to low muscle tone. This does not mean an Ectomorph cannot have a muscular look, with the right training regime and a strict nutrition plan this is totally achievable. They are usually carbohydrate tolerant which means they can eat carbs without the associated fat gain.

They have predominately slow twitch muscle fibre, which means they often excel at endurance training rather than power sports.

Famous Ectomorphs include Mo Farah, Natalie Portman, Bruce Lee and Kate Moss.

ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph, body types, bodybuilding, workout, workout, ectomorphy


At YBP we have created a combination body type called an Ecto-Mesomorph. Few people fall distinctly into one category, therefore it is likely you will be a blend of two body types. This is for those of you who feel you have characteristics of both an Ectomorph and a Mesomorph.

Quite often an Ecto-Mesomorph looks slim and slightly athletic. 


ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph, body types, bodybuilding, workout, workout, whey protein, bcaa


A Mesomorph has a naturally athletic appearance and can often look like an athlete even without training. They can be described as naturally lean, sporty and compact. They have a medium-sized bone structure, large muscles and are generally well-proportioned. The majority of Mesomorphs have fairly broad shoulders and narrow waists.

Mesomorphs have the best of both worlds as they can gain muscle and lose fat relatively quickly. Therefore it is easy for them to maintain a low body fat percentage, at the same time as looking nicely toned.

A Mesomorph's genetics are fantastic in terms of movement as they are naturally strong and athletic. They also have a combination of fast and slow twitch muscle fibre, which helps towards making them a natural athlete. With their genetically gifted foundation they will excel in most sports they put their mind to. 

Famous Mesomorphs include Bruce Willis, Denise Lewis, Brad Pitt, and Madonna.

ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph, body types, bodybuilding, workout, workout, whey protein, bcaa


At YBP we have created a combination body type called a Meso-Endomorph. Few people fall distinctly into one category, therefore it is likely you will be a blend of two body types. This is for those of you who feel you have characteristic of both a Mesomorph and an Endomorph.

Quite often a Meso-Endomorph looks athletic and slightly chunky. 


ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph, body types, bodybuilding, workout, workout, whey protein, bcaa


An Endomorph often has a smooth round appearance and can sometimes be described as plump or big-boned. Female Endomorphs have very feminine bodies; they look full figured, curvaceous or sometimes pear shaped with wider hips than shoulders. Endomorphs have medium to large bone structures with thick joints and their limbs can often appear short. 

Endomorphs will struggle to lose fat as they have a slow metabolism, but building muscle is relatively easy for them. Due to their susceptibility to fat storing, when not training correctly the muscle can be hidden under the fat therefore they may appear to have little muscle definition. This does not mean an Endomorph cannot look defined, with the right training regime and a strict nutrition plan this is totally achievable. They do not tolerate carbohydrates well and will need to be strict with their nutrition to reduce their body fat.

They have predominantly fast twitch muscle fibre, which means they often excel at powerful explosive sports rather than endurance training.

Famous Endomorphs include Serena Williams, John Goodman, Marilyn Monroe and The Rock.